Friday, March 27, 2015

Custom Made Miriam and Elijah's Cups

Miriam's Cup is a relatively new addition to the Passover sedar table. It is filled with water, in remembrance of the prophet, Miriam's miraculous well. Miriam's well followed the Israelites through the desert, moving when they moved, and stopping when they stopped, providing life-giving water.

Elijah's cup is placed on the table to save the place for the prophet Elijah, friend of the poor, and who is expected to announce the coming of the messianic era. We invite Elijah into our home every year when we open the door and say, "All who are hungry, let them come and eat."
Click to enlarge

Here are 2 lovely etched glasses for Passover that I found on Pinterest. I love them, but they are $52 each. That's way too much for me to spend for use just 2 nights a year. (Yes, I know I have a Lenox sedar plate, but that was inherited from my dear, departed mother)

For Passover this year, I am etching my own Miriam and Elijah's cups. Here are directions and links to the stencil I designed, so you can download them and make your very own personalized glasses for Passover!

Step 1 materials:
2 wine glasses
stencil (word or pdf) printed on Avery 2x4" labels
exacto knife
Armour etch

I found wine glasses that matched my dishes at a thrift store. I also borrowed the etching solution from a crafty friend.

Step 2 prepare:
Make sure your glasses are clean and dry. Apply the labels to the wine glasses. Carefully cut out the designs. Burnish the labels down well, leaving no air bubbles.

Step 3 apply etching solution:
This is not a craft to do with the kids! Read the precautions on the label. This stuff can burn skin. Apply according to the directions.

Step 4 wash:
After the proper time (I did 5 minutes), wash the glasses thoroughly, and remove the stencil. Wash again with soap and water. The end.

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